Saturday, May 23, 2009


i met her in mumbai during this lve. she was sitting next to me and through the corner of my eye i could see that she was looking very pretty. all the time as she was adjacent to me and damn it! i couldn't even see her properly. i met her with bhanu and all the time the 3 of us were talking. i mean i didn't get a chance to spk to her . there was quite a bit i wanted to spk to her. i think i was getting carried away in the moment. something which i never let myself do. so i checked myself and for good.
i ve known her for a good abt 11 yrs and the thing that strikes me most abt her is her confidence and the fact that she knows what she wants in her life.
be it her career , her job, or her personal life she is absolutely clear abt it. kudos to her for that.
if there's anyone who might be interested in me, don't lose heart after reading this blog. i must tell u that she is happily settled in her job and has already found " the right man "for herself. so ppl i am still available. like Anthony Gonzalvez said "
dil bhi hai khali, ghar bhi hai khali.
is main rahegi koi kismtwali"

1 comment:

Mohit Kukreja said...

oh u guys make me sick, at least u guys met up. imagine living seven seas away, visiting india once in five years, and dreaming of such moments.. sigh..